Instructor :: Rhey

Rhey是一個充滿活力的導師,作為一個專業的舞蹈員,他對於自己有一定要求,盡能力把事情做得盡善盡美。他在菲律賓和香港已接受了十五年以上的舞蹈訓練。 Rhey深信「人須持續學習,時常保持一顆謙卑學習的心。」他希望可以與所有HKFDC同學分享自己舞蹈的知識,以舞蹈影響大家。 Rhey的課堂融合了各種商業表演舞蹈元素,包括Hip Hop, Experimental, Modern, Funky, Street Dance等,同時配合爵士舞和現代舞的風格技巧。Rhey 認為大家只要經常跳舞,不單可體驗到身體肌能及舞蹈技巧的進步,更能感受到心靈上的健康完滿。

Rhey is such an energetic instructor who works his best to fulfil the highest expression of himself as professional dancer. He has been trained in most of the genres of dance for more than 15 years in the Philippines and Hong Kong. He loves the adrenaline rush of Commercial Dancing, Hip Hop, Jazz Funk and Acro. “Keep Learning, Always be a Learner” is Rhey’s motto and he is ready to share his knowledge in dancing with all HKFDC students. Rhey’s class demonstrates the combined elements of commercial performance style ranging from Hip Hop, Experimental, Modern, Funky, Street Dance together with the fine techniques of Jazz and Contemporary for amplification. Students will experience the improvement of physical fitness, dancing skills and also enhancing the fitness in mind by dancing regularly.