Instructor :: Don

我在幼稚園的時候就開始跳舞,在學校的活動中表演,無論是獨舞還是團體表演,一直持續到我高中畢業。 在大學第一年,我加入了菲律賓甲美地省德拉薩爾大學的 Pointes and Flexes 舞蹈團,並獲得了獎學金。 在那裡我開始了爵士、芭蕾舞、拉丁舞和嘻哈音樂的初學者訓練。 2006 年,我加入了菲律賓首屈一指的舞蹈公司 G-Force,在那裡我接受了爵士樂、芭蕾舞、標準舞、踢踏舞、佛朗明哥舞和嘻哈舞的正式舞蹈訓練。 我們在菲律賓的各種音樂會和電視節目中演出。 那時我還開始在企業活動以及不同的學校和大學擔任編舞並擔任編舞。 2015 年,我獲得了 Zumba 訓練證書,並開始在 Anytime Fitness Gym 和菲律賓的舞蹈健身活動中教授舞蹈健身。 我最近有機會在中國北京工作並教授舞蹈健身,為期 5 年,從 2017 年到 2022 年。

I started dancing when i was in kindergarten performing in school activities whether it is a solo act or a group performance, that went on until I graduated high school. On my first year of college I joined and got a scholarship with Pointes and Flexes Dance Company in De Lasalle University Dasmarinas Cavite Philippines. There I started my beginner training in jazz, ballet, latin ballroom & hiphop. On 2006 I joined G-Force, a premier dance company in the Philippines, where I had my formal dance training in Jazz, Ballet, Ballroom, Tap, Flamenco & Hiphop. We performed in various concerts and TV shows in the Philippines. At that time I also began teaching and worked as a choreographer in corporate events as well as in different schools and universities. By 2015 I had my Zumba training certificate and began teaching dance fitness in Anytime Fitness Gym and also in Dance Fitness Events in the Philippines. I recently had the opportunity to work and teach dance fitness in Beijing China for 5 years from 2017-2022.