Instructor :: Joyce

JOYCE 是創作及表演藝術文憑的畢業生,在University of the Philippines College of Music 主修舞蹈。她八歲開始跳舞,在 Ms. Vella C. Damian 的正式芭蕾訓練下得到了多個大型舞蹈匯演的演出機會。JOYCE 是UP Dance Company 和 Airdance Company 的一名前成員,她在這兩個舞團接受古典、當代和現代舞蹈訓練,並於菲律賓、新加坡、台灣、馬來西亞、日本、泰國和法國等的多個國家的舞蹈及藝術節上表演。

JOYCE is a graduate of Diploma of Creative and Performing Arts, majoring in Dance, at the University of the Philippines College of Music. She started dancing at age 8 and got a formal training in ballet underMs. Vell a C. Damian where she participated in various dance concerts and recitals. JOYCE was a former member of the UP Dance Company and Airdance Company where she received classical, contemporary and modern dance training and had a chance to perform in several Dance and Arts festivals in Philippine, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand and France.