Instructor :: Lon

LON 透過不同類型的戲劇表演中學習到不同舞蹈的基本功。各戲劇團體加強了他在娛樂業的表現,為他帶來了在菲律賓國內或國外做演唱會、音樂劇和很多不同類型的演出。為尋求更多的經驗和挑戰,他毅然離開家園到國外迪士尼公司工作。幾年後加入林佩佩舞蹈工作坊,他希望可以繼續學習和貢獻以傳遞以舞蹈瘦身及健體的訊息及想法。

LON learned all his basic knowledge in different types of dancing in theater. Various theater groups enhanced him in entertainment field that brought him to different places in & out of Philippines doing concerts, musical Plays, & lots of performances. Seeking for more experiences & challenges, he went abroad and had the chance to work with Walt Disney Company. Few years after, he joined Kelley Production. Hopefully he can learn and serve more to promote the idea of keeping fit for good health through dancing.